It’s pretty clear from 30,000ft above Guatemala that you are about to enter a special place. Lush green mountains fold and roil like a huge python as far as the eye can see, and life forces itself into every available wrinkle upon the face of the Earth, which feels older here. Vestiges of ancient Mayan architecture are visible even as the plane splices through the clouds to birth itself into a land of lost secrets.
The current populace becomes visible very slowly on the descent, because they’ve maintained the wisdom of living around nature instead of bulldozing over it. This is nothing new for many ‘developing’ countries of course. The beauty of this way of life is almost painful when I compare it to the view of the various cities I’ve flown into over the past few days – Miami, Los Angeles, Sydney and Brisbane are an absolute eyesore by day and night. In daylight these grey wastelands are pock marked and necrophagus tissue threatening to spread ever further into remaining lands. By night, city lights join up to make huge glowing cobwebs which look beautiful for a few minutes, until one remembers all the non-renewable resources currently utilised in the relentless push for more and more power (electrical and economical).
It pains me to see how beautiful Guatemala has remained in the face of this global capitalist thought wave because I am still complicit in many ways with the ‘New World.’ As disdainful as I am of every city’s attempts to flatten Earth’s wrinkles and throw concrete over the top, and to dig deep beneath Earth’s skin for more and more blood, I have a laptop, a kindle and a phone. I forget to bring my cloth bag shopping and end up getting plastic bags. I still buy stuff that’s wrapped in plastic. I have more clothes than I can wear in a week. I go to the cinema. I eat too much food. All of this and more is right in my face every time I stomp my big fucking carbon footprints and fly on yet another carbon munching plane to an old world paradise. I keep coming to these places because I know the way I’m living is killing this planet and that makes me the most hypocritical vegetarian alive. It is in the knowing of something after all that it becomes murder and not ignorant slaughter.
The gist of this blog is such; if these cities are really the pinnacle of society I want to opt out and to help other people opt out too. If I live close to the Earth in a community that honours the Earth, I’ll have more chance of hearing the truth about who I am and what I’m doing here, and what my part is to play in this cosmic dance of form (cheers Eckarte Tolle). This theory is nothing new to me or anyone else who has turned the television off for more than five minutes of course. There’s been a bit of a lag for me between thinking the thought and then putting it into action though. It’s time to start doing it, not just blabbing about it and then feeling like a douchebag because I’m still buying plastic wrapped crap from mainstream supermarkets.
So two days ago, as I crushed my face against the thick window of the plane that was dropping into Guatemala, I finally figured out why I wanted to come here so bad. I want to learn how to live alongside the Earth and make sure that every footprint I leave is a kiss not a blow. I want to learn to love myself and the Earth so much that I don’t need to overeat and overspend and over-everything. I’m over that.
Not only on a hand to mouth level though. I want to expand my consciousness to regain the capacities that have been lost in the sideshow alley distractions of modern society. Telepathy, communication with all living beings, inclusion in intergalactic communities - I’ve had a number of strange life experiences that I still don’t entirely understand and it would be nice to expand my current capacities…blah blah blah I won’t go on because a few of you who read this have surely had enough of the ‘unicorn glitter fart’ jargon of the new age hippie movement. I agree, there’s something that stinks of denial in a lot it. Don’t live in a mansion on the coast of California and preach about chakra alignments, retards. Don’t say you’re religious and then work in the mines and insure your life and everything you ‘own’ – faith huh? Don’t say we are all one and then drive your petrol guzzling hummer to a high paying job because the work you do makes you deserve more than everyone else. I’m pointing the finger at myself too. Don’t point the finger Kel because that doesn’t solve the problem either. Apologies, I’m just confused and angry about the way the world continues to be governed and I’m resentful for my part in allowing it to continue like this.
So I’m pissed off just now and it’s time to sign off and go for a walk. But this process is good and it illuminates a few deep seated challenges that require attention. I am hungry for the truth. I am wary of bullshit. I am tired of talking about 2012 and the turn of the new age and the new consciousness and then continuing to make the same mistakes. I acknowledge that I don’t have all the answers and I want to be quiet enough inside so that I can listen to them.
I am searching for Quetzalcoatl.
Guatemala is the main centre of Mayan civilisation and this is probably a good starting point to hunt for that elusive rainbow feathered serpent. I’ll elaborate later on reasons for choosing Quetzalcoatl as the metaphor for truth, but suffice to say it has a lot to do with DNA, repetitive mention of serpents in all creation stories around the world, sexuality and of course aliens.
I hope that in reading my blog you can relate on some level to what I’m saying and feeling, and that any nuggets of truth I unearth may be of assistance in your own emergence into the magnificent being that you already are. We’ve just forgotten who we are and we need to remember now and yesterday (which is now as well), because our repeated attempts to make life more comfortable by manipulating the environment around us rather than healing our discomfort from within is not only killing us, it’s killing our beautiful planet.
Adios for now, amigos. I love you all more than I ever have been able to convey in word and deed. May we all continue to make new colours in our consciousness so that we can express how truly fucking awesome we really are.
Have enjoyed reading your thoughts and empathise with your struggle. I'm confident that you will find a level ground, and solutions and also enjoy the journey. Big loves.