It's been some time between penned brain-farts, and really the only thing I need to share is that the longer I stay in San Pedro the more I love this place. It's a typical example of a high energy vortex, the suction of which draws a myriad different realities coexisting in parallel. I think the reason places like this (other examples are Cusco in Peru, Fremantle in Australia) attract so many hippies, gypsies, pirates, buskers, lost souls and broken heads are because the energy of the place is so huge that all of these reality projections can coexist and be changed by each other to co-create new ways of operating in reality. Why don't these realities all converge in other locales? I suspect that the collective societal consciousness predominates in most locales because the energy potential available hasn't reached a 'tipping point' where it can attract change.
Why do I think that a predominance of marginalised subcultures is material evidence of change? I think this because we are all composed of energy, and if there is a predominance of beings whose energy blueprint is such that they do not fit in with the prevailing system of energy, then by simply being in a place these people with the different energy blueprints are affecting global change. I think that in places where there are many of these marginalised subcultures the potential for change increases exponentially. I have no means to prove anything I'm saying and it's all conjecture. Cortical confection is my favourite flavour. I would like to discuss the possibilities with interested parties however, because the thought has been tickling me for some time.

Learning Spanish pops my head every day. I had, up until a couple of weeks ago, formed the impression of myself as being quite centred, stable and carefree as far as humans go. Add three hours of Spanish, stir vigorously, and I'm as pissed as a colony of ants boiling out of their nest to bring a world of pain to the arsehole who trod on them. For a couple of weeks there, I experienced all of the same emotions I had when I was first learning to read. Rage! Why are there so many rules? Frustration! Why can't I play with the rules? Desertion! I don't want to be here anymore and whoever dropped me off can pick me up now! As with most things, as soon as I became aware of the problem it pretty much dissipated. For the most part this learning business is now rather enjoyable I do say. The ways in which different cultures form thoughts into words is just another marvellous insight into how many ways there are to interpret the reality around us. It's a choice and it's awesome!
Of course, I still have secret rage-quits when I do my homework sometimes...

So I was gargling about San Pedro being a spinning centre of energy without giving any evidence as to why I think this is so. Obviously I have no expensive apparati to tangibly measure geographic leylines so it's good old subjectivity that informs my hypothesis...and here is what I observe:
1. Nature here is particularly spectacular. If the Earth holds more energy here than it does in other places, it's possible that nature has more raw material to work with and it goes to town on the place. The hummingbirds, squirrels and bumble bees in town all just agreed with me.
2. People get 'stuck' here. I have run into countless backpackers who planned to stay for one night and end up staying for a month, a year. I suspect I may be one of these people.
3. This place is full of marginalised sub-cultures. I know that might sound like a silly observation to make, but why is it that hippies, pirates, gypsies, fairy-dolphin-unicorns and cracked-heads converge in certain places and not others? These are all sub-cultures who for the most part want nothing to do with the way society operates and seem to hang onto the sides of said society for a plethora of reasons, the most obvious being that most of these sub-cultures don't want to play the 'money mortgage marriage' game and are therefore not too welcome on the board. And they don't want to be on the board anyway. Having said that, the vast majority of these sub-cultures are still co-dependent on the very society they hate, with most taking some form of pension. This sets up an interesting paradox where subculture members choosing to accept a pension energetically agree that all they are worth is a pension and all these special people who I think have super-powers (otherwise they wouldn't have noticed that the prevailing game on Earth is fucked in the first place) remain energetically disempowered not by the game they hate, but by themselves! Do I have an answer to this paradox? No. But I refuse to believe that I am only worth a pension so I'll have to come up with some creative way to facilitate my existence on Earth that doesn't involve me sleeping at the wheel in an office. Anyway I diverge from my point, being that these marginalised sub-cultures all have to go somewhere on Earth. Why is there such a huge population of them around Lake Atitlan? San Pedro is literally teeming with these people. Swing a handbag, hit a hippie.
4. Funny air drifts, or lack thereof. When I kayak on the lake sometimes I get really short of breath, like it's too intense just to be out there. Crack some jokes about my fitness level, but I don't mean short of breath like I've just run a nutri-grain Iron man showdown. It feels more like altitude breathlessness, but I've been living at this altitude for a month now. I wrote in a previous blog post that sometimes the beauty of the lake literally takes my breath away although maybe it's not the beauty. Maybe it is. Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn...
I've made friends with lots of the local kids. Here are Jose and Gerard who got a hold of my camera phone while I wasn't looking...

Most of my time is still in the cafe, painting and cooking and laughing a lot.

Cattle and unicorn abductions are what the people wanna see. Right? My thumb is clearly not on the pulse of popular culture. Fuck it. I like UFOs and I wanna paint wanna see the drinks menu? Here take a look at these UFOs.

Is the unicorn being beamed up or down...hard to tell. I painted a unicorn because a five year-old girl named Canela breezed into the cafe with her curly hair springing in all directions, and she let me in on the secret that she is actually a unicorn and that she thought I should probably paint her in the picture. Who can refuse delightful beings such as this? Not I!

What else to share? I'm still learning about balance and overdoing it in a lot of ways. Burn the candle at both ends you say? Throw that fucker in the deep fryer! A couple of weeks ago The Fifth Dimension cafe hosted a beer-pong tournament, which I won with the ultimate reward being a night spent puking like a teenage punchbowl fiend, followed by a day of ingesting anything that came out of a grease sump. I have had two drinks since and didn't enjoy either of them.
The more Spanish I learn the more I connect with the locals, who are lovely. Just this morning an elderly lady asked me to give her a hand getting some stuff down from shelves she couldn't reach in her shop, and she was so grateful that she held my hand and gave me candy and water from her fridge and I know I'm a pretty cheap date but I was so pleased to have walked into that shop! Alberto the elderly caretaker of the motel I'm staying at now is lovely too. He let himself into my room today, jumped on my bed and casually asked if I would mind moving my stuff to a neighbouring room which happens to be right next door to me matie, Oak! As soon as I said yes he started stuffing my undies and bras and everything else into my bag and pretty much moved my whole room for me. He cracks me up!
Oak doesn't know I'm his neighbour yet. It's the same planet but a different universe. There is no such thing as an accidental sesame seed in space in time, because although we seem small and insignificant when beholding the universe, we exist and we are all inexplicably linked, and every sesame seed in the universe is necessary to capture the full gamut of flavours!